Wednesday, December 9, 2009
1 day until Boss M goes on leave
In other news F(V) will be going home to Belgium with his family for the holidays. Won't be seeing him 'til February next year.
* * * * * *
So before M went home he popped his head into our room to say goodbye. We ended up somehow talking about drinks on Friday. So looks like we will have our last lab drinks for the year after all :)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Black ants in my bedroom, and their bites sting!
* * * * * * *
Today, the lab (M, A, Z, Y and myself) was supposed to meet up for a lunch. I was going to bring my camera in to take a photo, the last one for the year. Unfortunately, M felt ill this morning and sent out an email he won't be able to make it. He still encouraged us (the students, so basically no A) to go out without him. An hour and 5 minutes later since M's email, no one has reacted. I've sent out an email to Z and Y to follow up. Maybe they're still sleeping, or they might have not checked their email so early in the morning yet. I hope they do reply soon as I have no intention of doing the 1.5 hour commute if they aren't up to it.
I was disappointed to miss M and A today, as we were supposed to talk about something important for one of the upcoming projects. And of course I'm worried for M, as he's been swamped with work (recently, and most of the time) and now he is ill. Poor guy. I hope I still see him on Friday for out last meeting for the year before he goes away on leave.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Conferences and alcohol.
I went to New Zealand by myself just last week to attend another conference. NZ is still cold this summer season down under, and of course alcohol consumption is still a central part like any conference :P It wasn't as much fun to attend conferences by myself than it is when it is with the lab. But I did meet some interesting people there. And I wouldn't mind living in NZ too, now I've been there twice (once in the South Island and now in the North Island) . I really like the climate.
99 days, and then I'll have a good beer spree
I had a very good, long "chat" with Le Boss yesterday, which gave me a good boost of confidence on finishing. In case I forget, I am going to breathe a thankful noise of acknowledgment to my mentor out into the ether. I really owe him a lot, and he deserves lot of good karma his way.
In other news, my scholarship has been reinstated. Well, it never really went away, but I lost a considerable portion of it after an administrative issue about the source of funds. Apparently, the contract for the other source had expired. It meant I had to live on half the amount in one of the most expensive cities in the world. Le Boss had a big hand in me getting more funding. After having a row at all the people responsible, he was not getting any positive responses for months. Ultimately, he asked the administration to dip into his own funds to append to my scholarship. That was excellent, and will help me heaps. Thank you <3 :) Clears my worries greatly, and makes me focus more at the tasks at hand.
The holiday break is coming up shortly, and I will not be seeing Boss M until January 2010. He invited me to stay in contact over the break, but I figured since he is going on leave early, he'd appreciate the silence. Though he insisted so, since it's quite important to us both that I finish on time, and do a good job of it. For now he has told me to focus on the thesis, and shelf the other projects for now, until I submit.
I am lucky I get these encouraging exchanges with him. From some other students I hear they are not in good terms with their supervisor and get very little time to talk to them. Or even if they do get the time to chat, it sometimes still amounts to them feeling confused and as if they've wasted time.
With only a few weeks left in my official enrolment in this degree, I feel more pressure and actually have more appreciation for this chance to work with Boss M. Even today I feel sad that the time is to end soon. It's not always that you spend a lot of time working on problems and have a brilliant mind to help you work it out. After this stint, it's going to be more about me doing all the thinking and driving on projects, with other scholars considered on level ground. Technically at least.
I hope the community of scholars do welcome me and grant me the award. With Boss M's signature, I think I have a pretty good chance. When I do get awarded, I will not accept his refusal for that sampler of beers, and he MUST have a beer spree with me!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Seven months later... and Four months until submission
I'm doing my best to keep working at a steady pace, or faster. At this point I am scared to the core, so I have a lot of adrenaline every day. I wonder when I will hit a wall? I imagine I will, but I am hoping it doesn't come at an inopportune time.
So what's going on now?
I've got 2 papers being written, hopefully ready for journal submission before December. I've got one project that needs writing up, and one other that hasn't even started.
Thesis writing has been put on hold, but I have to produce a good "complete" draft by first week of December. I've enlisted a couple of friends to do some editing/proofreading for me next week, so I ought to work on it this weekend. I can't do anything else in the next couple of days since I'm busy with work and writing for the other two papers lined up for submission.
That's all I've got at the moment. Hope to sound less somber in my next update.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Another episode of writer's bloc
Friday, April 17, 2009
Whiteboard frenzy
Thought that it would be productive to have my own whiteboard at home, and I will hence be able to save paper with my doodling. And I'll be able to take photos of them without embarrassing myself! (Coz I take photos of whiteboard stuff we discuss in my supervisor's office, lest I forget anything. He used to find it odd, but now he uses his new iMac to do the same thing!)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Papers, papers, papers... !!!
(1) Work with F. Review on methods. I'll need to write and collect more literature. Should finish a draft in 2-3 weeks.
(2) Work with boss M. Proposal of a new model. Running experiments which will last for another 3 weeks. I can't say how long the writing will take for this yet. Since this is first-hand work with boss M, he's keeping a close eye on the model, algorithm and code, and that in itself makes it take time as the feedback loop is more frequent. Not that this is a bad thing, it actually makes the work validate itself, though I keep rewriting code more often.
(3) Work with boss M and Z. Estimation of parameters from new model applied to current methods. Just yesterday, boss M pointed out that there is another possible paper out of our work in (2) that can be piped into Z's work. No time frame for this yet as it largely depends on (2).
(4) My own work. Validation of our previously-published method. A project that is on stand-by soon as I can find time for it. Should be open and shut as I've got the framework done.
(5) Possible work with R. Proposed new method for different organism. I've not met with R for a while (since last year). This is all up in the air, and I'm not sure I can think this up in time for the PhD to end.
A conference and a little competition
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
A successful talk
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Another demo
I'm grabbing a library book on the way home today to spruce up my Stats.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Goodbye Fevrier
Today is the last "work" day of February. I had been productive today, surprisingly, despite the bloc I've been experiencing the past two weeks. I've got an idea for the last part of the thesis that resembles a blood clot in a brain. In fact, at this point I believe there is a manifestation of a blood clot in MY brain by the way my thoughts are getting constipated.
I foresee my last February weekend to be a busy one; I need to get something interesting to pass up as a RESULT by Tuesday. I had not impressed boss M last Tuesday with what I showed him in our brainstorming.
I've got ONE graph to show him so far. At least I've got that. The precious one. But I expect to have a few more by MARCH, which is on Monday.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Maths demo tomorrow.
I'm not sure I want the added workload, and I've been advised against it. Though I do need the money, and the diversion from thesis work can sometimes help. I also did note the last week that attempting to prepare a class lesson was enjoyable.
So here's hoping I do well. I can still decide not to push through with the gig should I get it. And there's also the chance I won't be given a schedule, or I'm not wanted at all.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Scholarship and a Postdoc.
Of course, I hope the deviation is not as wide as his. At least I know it's not an option for me to finish AFTER a year, coz the money runs out by then ;)
Thank goodness for the scholarship. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure I can't afford this degree. The amount to spend for tuition is incomprehensible to me.
In other news, boss M forwarded an email to me regarding a postdoc opportunity... in Canada. First off, I'm happy he suggested it. Second of all, Canada. I would love to go, but it's another 2 years of solitude should the husband and I not jive in our plans. Anyhow, it's another thing to think about. The list can only get longer ;)
On writing the thesis
Friday, January 30, 2009
Lecture and tutorial demos
Yesterday afternoon I started to write up answers for sample problems for two undergraduate courses: Vector Calculus and Complex Variables. I found myself breezing through the first few problems, but later on got stumped on several ones. On some items I knew how to answer them, but the theory got lost.
Went to the library to harvest dusty textbooks to backtrack on theorems to justify my solutions in these problems. I suddenly felt nostalgic, felt how much I missed teaching, and the process of preparation for lectures.
I am certain I want to teach in a university again.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Couples, partners, incest and such.
This blog is turning out to be a commentary/reaction on What can I do, almost each comic strip strikes a chord.
I suppose "incestuous departments" occur not just in academia. But, having hardly worked (less than a year) outside academia I haven't enough data to support that claim hehe.
I met my husband in the university, and we both became instructors there. Some (if not most) of our colleagues in the department also met their spouses in the university or in the department. So I can say that our department is also incestuous.
I only know of one couple in my current university who work in the same department. Yep, they are also in Maths. Fancy that. Ah, there is also another couple in Biological Sciences, but they started out as a professor-student relationship. There are also a number of those from all over I'd imagine. I know I've seen a lot.
I've met some couples in a conference, who work in the same university. It's kinda tricky spotting them. I find out only after speaking with them that they are partners, coz they say so. I've met only one couple so far who share the same surname. It's not something I'm accustomed to, coz most couples in my country take their husband's surname.
It's interesting to note that some universities encourage couples to work "together", meaning that if they hire one of them, the university would try to hire the partner. Even not in the same department. It like a "hire one, get two" situation.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
A blue form
(1) I'm not in a maths school at the moment. Though I am sorta doing maths-related research.
(2) I used to teach maths. In fact I taught maths for a while after graduating from a maths degree.
I'll stop counting eggs before they hatch for now. No jinxing!!
A dilemma of priorities
Ah, Jorge Cham continues to write the story of my life. This strip shall be me in our next research meeting, scheduled for February.
I need to come up with my plan for a last paper to publish. One agreement I have with boss M is to publish one more, and I haven't quite decided which idea I'm going to pursue for it.
At the moment I have three options:
(1) An extension of a previous paper, entailing that I design and perform synthetic experiments. This will enable me to perform tests on a methodology I had presented before, and report an evaluation on its performance. Difficulty: relatively easy. Publication probability: not likely for a really good journal, likely for a journal of lesser impact factor.
(2) The simulations in option (1) can be used for a different report altogether. This means using the same code I can write for (1), but keep track of different quantities for analysis. The analysis would require me to learn some more theories. Difficulty: moderately hard. Publication probability: less likely to get published soon coz of the fewer options for theoretical journals.
(3) A different methodology that I have yet to finish developing. This would be the most interesting of all options, as I expect most of our peers in the field to find it useful. Difficulty: Very hard. Publication probability: Very likely in a nice journal.
With only months to go, I am left with a prioritisation problem. I want to do all three plans (and some other side projects that merit attention) but I also have to think which will help me best for the thesis.
Less than two weeks to think long and hard about this.
It's far from being the home stretch, as I don't hand in the thesis 'til late this year. But I do feel the enormous pressure now that time is dwindling away so fast.
If I'm cranky at some times, I apologise. If I am neurotic, know that I could also be normal, when I try. And most of all, if I fail in many respects to be present as a friend, please understand that this is my childhood dream I'm hoping to fulfill. I take it to be my last shot for the moon.
There's something I ask: I'm gonna need a lot of support to keep me sane.
Monday, January 26, 2009
January at an end.
(1) Debug code. There has been a flurry of emails from users of our website, and how there are errors arising.
(2) Answer emails. Aside from those websiteusers, there are some emails I have yet to reply to.
(3) Apply for tutoring position. Despite boss M's discouraging, I think I'll push through with this one. I have yet to speak again to the admin in the other school, but I have a couple of weeks to decide.
(4) Organise. I have a wall calendar for 2009 now in my bedroom. I've been marking important dates the other night, but the deadlines for myself are still unclear until I get to speak with boss M again.
(5) Read. I've got a pile of papers (articles) I have yet to read AGAIN. I've gone through them once last November 2008, but I have to go over them again to refresh my memory.
(6) Contact F. I have plans to work on a project with this person this first quarter of 2009. I haven't made contact since I came back yet. I'm not ready. Have to read material and compile some ideas first.
Sheesh, even this list is not well-written. I have so much to think and write about, that even this list needs overhauling next time.